Our Special Investigations Unit is highly specialized and trained to identify and eliminate fraud through witness canvasses, statements and field interviews, scene investigations, alive and well checks, clinic inspections, and neighborhood canvasses. When selecting a risk mitigation vendor, it is important to ask about their Special Investigations Unit (SIU). Although often overlooked, an investigative firm’s SIU department is actually an excellent indicator of the overall quality of said firm’s work product. Why? Because SIU work requires persistence, accuracy, and almost manic attention to detail. Such characteristics transfer well to other types of investigations; therefore, if the firm you choose performs high-quality SIU investigations, you can reasonably expect excellent work from them across the board. From activity checks to scene investigations and everything in between, a quality SIU department can help to identify and eliminate fraud through thorough fieldwork and research. With the right investigators on your side, a simple investigation can provide critical information that can lead to monumental savings on your claims. At Demo, we know SIU work inside and out. Our investigators live and breathe this stuff and won’t stop until they get you the results you need and expect.


  • Alive and Well Check
  • AOE-COE Investigation
  • Auto Accident Investigations
  • Complex Claims Investigation
  • Contestable Death Claims
  • File Reviews/Audits
  • Foreign & Domestic Death
  • Claim Verifications
  • Fraud Training
  • Liability Claims
  • Litigation Support
  • Property Claims
  • Recorded Statements
  • Scene Investigation
  • SIU Compliance
  • SIU Designation
  • SIU Investigations
  • Statements/Field Interviews
  • Subrogation
  • Vendor Management
  • Widow Check
  • Witness Canvass